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~ Homedale Blue plume agate cab ~

Here is a splendid cabochon of the old time 'Homedale Blue' plume agate, from the reknown claim near Graveyard Point, Idaho. There are a number of wannabees out there that really aren't, but this stone is the real deal, straight from the current claim holder. It has an artful display of golden straw-colored plumes, along with some gorgeously unique jet black dendrites, contrasting beautifully against a background of pale bluish agate. My son Chisto says it reminds him of a Chinese painting, and claims to see a dragon in the stone. heh There's a great degree of depth to this one, and it appears somewhat opalescent in certain lighting, with feathery 'snow storms' swirling within, along with some subtle bands. The cab has a nicely rounded dome of nearly 6mm, a strong but graceful shape, and a glassy polish both front and back.

Size: 56x22mm
Weight: approximately 49 carats

Price: Sold
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Homedale Blue agate
Homedale Blue Agate

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