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~ Priday plume agate doublet ~

Offered here is a truly unique doublet cabochon of collectibly rare Priday plume agate, from the Priday Ranch digs in Oregon. This intriguing stone was cut from some grand old stock which had been stashed away for decades in the cherished collection of an old gentleman rockhound, and I was extremely blessed to have been able to purchase a bag full of slices from his living estate. Oh for joy!!! This stone has some extraordinary plumes and mosses suspended in translucent pools of agate that show them off beautifully. The black color of the basenite backing shows through the most translucent areas of this agate, outlining the plumes in a most remarkable way, adding a magic contrast. There's a tube or two also, and even the surrounding matrix has nice coloration. This fascinating beauty shows a scene that quite resembles an underwater shelf of living corals and seaweeds wafting in the current, doesn't it? It's a designer's dream, and surely a treasure that anyone would be proud to own. The cab has a nicely rounded dome of 5+mm, a sleek designer 'paisley' shape, and a great glassy polish both front and back.

Size: 48x26mm
Weight: approximately 48 carats

Price: Sold
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Priday  agate

Priday plume agate

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