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~ Flower jasper cab ~

Here is a designer cabochon of interesting flower stone, which hails from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This flower stone or 'flowering rock' goes by many names, including snowflake porphyry and mouse-track porphyry, and I have to say I much prefer it to the larger patterned Chinese writing stone from CA. This cab has a good display of white 'flower' bursts contasting nicely against a dark speckled background. The pics may make its surface appear bumpy, but it is actually quite smooth. Carrying or owning a piece of this material is said to bring good luck, though I offer no guarantees about that. heh I'm sure it will 'speak' well in any type of jewelry, either silver or gold. The stone has a rounded dome of 4mm, and a designer 'paisley' shape, polished to a glossy shine front and back.

Size: 43x15mm
Weight: approximately 23 carats

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Flower jasper

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